Thursday 16 February 2012

Concentrte More,Learn easy!

In the current setting, without learning and knowledge,living in the world shall be such a gargantuan operose .But what people think about learning a arduous job is not true actually.
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere -a well said Chinese Proverb.The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.since the purpose is forgotten here,the act seems to be difficult.

Actually, think! what if humoid monkey! appeared earlier,didn't learn to invent fire?,which is the mother of all further inventions.
Ya,learning made a huge escalation,a long journery for mankind.
So,how can it be bitter and twisted.
Everything is manmade.Apart from being cognizant,world demands student show off their memory.
Thats where sweetness of the art begin to evanesce.

But the fact is, average adult only uses 10% of his/her brain. Imagine what we may be capable of, by using the rest.We can achieve it,through small persisitent steps.
Cardionice needs its folks to feel the sweetness,crossing whatever bitter stream appears.
We,at Cardionice,collected from various sources and felt, it might be very helpful for students who are facing exam tide shortly.


Shake a leg.
Lack of blood flow is a common reason for lack of concentration. If you've been sitting in one place for awhile, bounce one of your legs for a minute or two. It gets your blood flowing and sharpens both concentration and recall.

Food for thought:
Eat breakfast. A lot of people skip breakfast, but creativity is often optimal in the early morning and it helps to have some protein in you to feed your brain. A lack of protein can actually cause headaches.

Eat a light lunch. Heavy lunches have a tendency to make people drowsy.

Cognitive enhancers: 
Ginkgo biloba is a natural supplement that has been used in China and other countries for centuries and has been reputed to reverse memory loss in rats. It's also suggested by some health practitioners as a nootrope and thus a memory enhancer.Also Ginseng,another supplement mental alertness and is available in India as Revital tablets.

Reduce stress + depresssion. Stress and depression may reduce the ability to recall information and thus inhibit learning. Sometimes, all you need to reduce depression is more white light and fewer refined foods.

Mind Balance

Sleep on it:
Dr. Maxwell Maltz wrote about in his book Psycho-Cybernetics about a man who was was paid good money to come up with ideas. He would lock his office door, close the blinds, turn off the lights. He'd focus on the problem at hand, then take a short nap on a couch. When he awoke, he usually had the problem solved.
Many of the people whom Cardionice knows,come forth in this bench mark.
Sleep wakes our inner mind,a vast arsenal of ideas.

Take a hike:
Changing your perspective often relieves tension, thus freeing your creative mind. Taking a short walk around the neighborhood may help.

Change your focus:
Sometimes there simply isn't enough time to take a long break. If so, change subject focus. Alternate between technical and non-technical subjects.

There are three primary ways to learn: visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. If one isn't working for you, try another.

Perspective and Focus

Do walking meditation:
If you're taking a hike, go one step further and learn walking meditation as a way to tap into your inner resources and your strengthen your ability to focus. Just make sure you're not walking inadvertently into traffic.

Focus and immerse yourself:
Focus on whatever you're studying. Don't try to watch TV at the same time or worry yourself about other things. Anxiety does not make for absorption of information and ideas.

Turn out the lights:
This is a way to focus, if you are not into meditating. Sit in the dark, block out extraneous influences.

Take a bath or shower:
Both activities loosen you up, making your mind more receptive to recognizing brilliant ideas.

Recall Techniques

Listen to music:
Researchers have long shown that certain types of music are a great "key" for recalling memories. Information learned while listening to a particular song or collection can often be recalled simply by "playing" the songs mentally.But,most of indian songs never fall on this axiom.
There are many internet sites,which bestows soothing music,like


Some people believe that speedreading causes you to miss vital information. The fact remains that efficient speedreading results in filtering out irrelevant information. If necessary, you can always read and re-read at slower speeds. Slow reading actually hinders the ability to absorb general ideas. (Although technical subjects often requirer slower reading.) If you're reading online, you can try the free Spreeder Web-based application.

Use acronyms and other mnemonic devices:
Mnemonics are essentially tricks for remembering information. Some tricks are so effective that proper application will let you recall loads of mundane information years later.

Visual Aids

Every picture tells a story:
While reading,better than writing,Draw or sketch whatever it is you are trying to achieve.A picture tells the story described by hundred words.

Brainmap it:
Brain maps, or mind maps, offer a compact way to get both an overview of a project as well as easily add details. With mind maps, you can see the relationships between disparate ideas.Most worthy step-Brain mapping.Considering its importance,Cardionice will bring in more details about it in another occasion.

Learn symbolism and semiotics:
Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols. Having an understanding of the symbols of a particular discipline aids in learning, and also allows you to record information more efficiently.

Use information design:
When you record information that has an inherent structure, applying information design helps convey that information more clearly. A great resource is Information Aesthetics, which gives examples of information design and links to their sources.

Verbal and Auditory Techniques

Stimulate ideas:
Play rhyming games, utter nonsense words. These loosen you up, making you more receptive to learning.

Learn by osmosis:
Got an iPod? Record a few of your own podcasts, upload them to your iPod and sleep on it. Literally. Put it under your pillow and playback language lessons or whatever.

Laugh. Laughing relaxes the body. A relaxed body is more receptive to new ideas.

Self-Motivation Techniques

Give yourself credit:
Ideas are actually a dime a dozen. If you learn to focus your mind on what results you want to achieve, you'll recognize the good ideas. Your mind will become a filter for them, which will motivate you to learn more.

Motivate yourself:
Why do you want to learn something? What do want to achieve through learning? If you don't know why you want to learn, then distractions will be far more enticing.

Set a goal:
W. Clement Stone once said "Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve." It's an amazing phenomenon in goal achievement. Prepare yourself by whatever means necessary, and hurdles will seem surmountable. Anyone who has experienced this phenomenon understands its validity.

Think positive:
There's no point in setting learning goals for yourself if you don't have any faith in your ability to learn.

Every skill is learned:
With the exception of bodily functions, every skill in life is learned. Generally speaking, if one person can learn something, so can you. It may take you more effort, but if you've set a believable goal, it's likely an achievable goal.

Prepare yourself for learning:
Thinking positive isn't sufficient for successfully achieving goals. This is especially important if you are an adult, as you'll probably have many distractions surrounding your daily life. Implement ways to reduce distractions, at least for a few hours at a time, else learning will become a frustrating experience.

Human nature is such that not everyone in your life will be a well-wisher in your self-improvement and learning plans. They may intentionally or subconsciously distract you from your goal. If you have classes to attend after work, make sure that work colleagues know this, that you are unable to work late. Diplomacy works best if you think your boss is intentionally giving you work on the days he/she knows you have to leave. Reschedule lectures to a later time slot if possible/ necessary.

Constrain yourself:
Most people need structure in their lives. Freedom is sometimes a scary thing. It's like chaos. But even chaos has order within. By constraining yourself — say giving yourself deadlines, limiting your time on an idea in some manner, or limiting the tools you are working with — you can often accomplish more in less time.
Cardionice provided only the executable steps,on which anyone can act.And,anyone expects fruits from the above steps,then he/she should indefinitely be persisitent in their respective action,as stong as a root.
Without persistence,no magic will happen.
So,be persistent,follow what ever steps apt to you,
Let the Light of Knowledge spreads.


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