Tuesday 10 February 2015

Easy way to end BAD HABITS

Cardionice greetings folks, 

Wondered always how to terminate minor unfruitful wrong thoughts and ha bits. 

Recently found a reasonable solution, 

We NICE group friends,thought of Displaying here, 

 it goes like this. .....       

There are number of distraction techniques helped children delay gratification more effectively. Such techniques included singing songs, thinking about something else, or covering the eyes.

Delaying gratification isn't always so cut-and-dry in the real world, however. While the children in Mischel's study had the promise of a secondary reward for waiting just a short period of time, everyday scenarios don't always come with this guarantee. If you give up that brownie, you still might not lose weight. If you skip a social event to study, you still might do poorly on the exam.

It is this uncertainty that makes giving up immediate rewards so difficult. That delicious treat in front of you now is a sure thing, but your goal of losing weight seems much further off and not so certain. uncertainty about future rewards is what makes delaying gratification such a challenge. " we don't know when these long-term rewards will arrive – or even if they will ever arrive. Give definitive time-frames: In situation where people are not sure when they will receive an expected reward, giving feedback on just how long they will have to wait can be beneficial. Train stations might post wait times, for example, while teachers might give students a definitive deadline for when students will receive a promised reward.

Set realistic deadlines: When trying to achieve a goal, such as losing weight, people are sometimes prone to either setting unrealistic deadlines. For example, a dieter might set himself up for failure if he makes a completely unrealistic goal of losing 10 pounds per week. When he fails to lose those first 10 pounds, he might then give up and give in to temptation. A more realistic goal of one pound per week would allow the dieter to see real results of his efforts.

So, friends answer is simple - deadline. .

<Let's do it, and may it be one step in making a better world around us />  


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