Monday 16 July 2012

Difference between httpservlet and dynamoservlet

The HttpServletRequest/Response interface is immutable
DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response interface is mutable
HttpServletRequest only  provides methods for reading the various properties, but does not provide methods for setting those properties
DynamoHttpServletRequest, which implements HttpServletRequest provides methods to change request properties, such as setPathInfo, setPathTranslated etc.
HttpServletResponse only  provides methods for reading the various properties, but does not provide methods for setting those properties
DynamoHttpServletResponse, which implements HttpServletResponse, lets you change response properties such as the output stream, and access its values such as statusCode etc.
HttpServletRequest and Response object are directly passed  as an argument to the servlet's service methods (doGet, doPost, etc)
The very first element of the servlet pipeline converts an incoming HttpServletRequest/Response pair into a DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response pair. This allows subsequent elements of the servlet pipeline to use the additional functions provided by DynamoHttpServletRequest/Response.


  1. Effort is nice.

    But this post doesn't explain advantages of using DynamoHttpServletRequest over HttpServletRequest.

    Mostly in ATG we use DynamoHttpServletResponse for setting parameter which we can do even in HttpServletResponse.

    Help me understand the difference from Mutable and Immutable perspective
