Sunday 30 September 2012

Non antibiotic approach to UTI treatment

Most important step in causing uti bu uropathogenic Escherichia coli, is the "adhesion" of bacteria to urothelial cells.

This attachment is mediated by "FimH", a mannose-binding adhesin, which is expressed on the bacterial surface.

To date, UTIs are mainly treated with antibiotics, leading to the ubiquitous problem of increasing resistance against most of the currently available antimicrobials. Therefore, new treatment strategies are urgently needed, avoiding selection pressure and thereby implying a reduced risk of resistance.

A new class of highly active antimicrobials, anti adhesive molecule targeting the virulence factor FimH - indolinylphenyl mannoside

When it was administered in a mouse model at the low dosage of 1 mg/kg (corresponding to approximately 25 μg/mouse), the minimal therapeutic concentration to prevent UTI was maintained for more than 8 h. In a treatment study, the colony-forming units in the bladder could be reduced by almost 4 orders of magnitude, comparable to the standard antibiotic treatment with ciprofloxacin (8 mg/kg, sc).

So with the help of this novel anti adhesive molecule UTIs can be managed very simply without antibiotics.

Q: What are the causative organisms of bacterial meningitis?

Haemophilus influenzae, which used to be the most common cause of the disease in infants and young children before the HiB vaccine was introduced.

Listeria monocytogenes can infect people of any age, but pregnant women, very young children, and the elderly are at most risk. L. monocytogenes can be acquired through contaminated foods.

Neisseria meningitidis is highly contagious and causes meningococcal meningitis. This form is commonly found in children and young adults, including college students living in dorms.

Staphylococcus aureus may present itself after head trauma or brain surgery

Streptococcus pneumoniae, the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in children, may appear along with pneumonia, an ear infection, or a sinus infection

Friday 21 September 2012

Q:Why patient needs to be in supine position after a spinal procedure?

A: Because of spinal headache which is due to dural drag. Dura is the pain sensitive part of the whole nervous system. So after a spinal procedure due to the loss of CSF dura gets pulled down just like pulling down of cloth in umbrella while closing it, but it's very minimal drag that is limited to just headache

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Dew 4:a single pill!

A new pill to treat HIV infection that combines four medicines and only has to be taken once a day was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

which will be marketed by maker Gilead Sciences, contains the HIV drugs elvitegravir, cobicistat, emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. It will be prescribed to people who have never been treated for HIV infection, the agency said in a statement. Two of the drugs, elvitegravir and cobicistat, are new, the FDA noted. Elvitegravir interferes with one of the enzymes that HIV needs to multiply, while cobicistat inhibits an enzyme that metabolizes certain HIV drugs and so prolongs the effect of elvitegravir.

The combination of emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate is already marketed as Truvada, and they work in concert to block another enzyme that HIV needs to replicate.

dew 5: h2o2 potential!

Q:Is it safe to use hydrogen peroxidein cleaning dirty wounds?

A:Yes, but it is not advisable now a days because Peroxide is a solution made up of hydrogen and oxygen. It is a strong oxidizer and can be used as a cleaning agent and to prevent infections. When used topically, this antiseptic foams due to the enzyme catalase. As the catalase comes in contact with the skin it turns the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas.
 According to health experts at the Swedish Medical Center in Colorado, hydrogen peroxide contains too much oxygen for the blood leading to potential issues.  When your skin absorbs hydrogen peroxide, it can reduce the amount of fibroblasts, a particular cell that is imperative for cleaning and repairing damaged tissue


Sunday 2 September 2012

Peutz—Jeghers syndrome


There is a congenital condition which presents with acute onset of abdominal pain, vomiting, and abdominal distention in adolescents.

Peutz–Jeghers syndrome, an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the development of multiple hamartomatous gastrointestinal polyps, mucocutaneous pigmented lesions on the lips or buccal mucosa, and an increased risk of cancer within and outside the gastrointestinal tract.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Dew 2

Single-dose drug cure for malaria

Scientists claim to have discovered a drug that could cure all strains of malaria with a single oral dose and also block transmission of the deadly parasite from person to person. The compound from the aminopyridine class (code named MMV390048) shows potent activity against multiple points in the malaria parasite’s lifecycle. The drug is the first compound researched on African soil to enter preclinical development in partnership with Medicines for malaria venture (MMV), a not-for-profit public-private partnership, in Switzerland. The synthetic molecule from the aminopyridine class, which has been described as novel and potent, not only has the potential to become a single-dose cure for malaria, but researchers are convinced that it could block transmission of the malaria parasite from person to person. The aminopyridine series was initially identified by Griffith University scientists in Australia as part of MMV’s extensive malaria screening campaign of around 6 million compounds. A team of scientists from the University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Drug Discovery and Development Centre (H3-D) in South Africa, led by Professor Kelly Chibale then scrutinised and explored the anti-malarial potential of the series further. With parasitological and pharmacological support from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and Monash University, respectively, Kelly’s team selected the most promising compounds from the series to be optimized and re-tested. In just 18 months the team had identified and developed a candidate suitable for preclinical development. “We are very excited that this promising compound, researched by African scientists, has been selected by MMV for further development,” Chibale, Founder and Director, UCT H3-D, said. “This is truly a proud day for African science and African scientists! Our team is hopeful that the compound will emerge from rigorous testing as an extremely effective medicine for malaria — a disease that accounts for 24 per cent of total child deaths in sub-Saharan Africa,” Chibale said.

Courtesy : the hindu.

Dew 1

Q:What is the feature shown here?

A:black eyes or racoon's eyes or pandas sign. One of the features of basal skull fracture. Other signs include CSF rhinnorhea.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

An Appeal!

We Nice Ventures found that most lengthy not attract viewers or readers and most of our cardionice folks will be expecting to present our content precisely.After Considering many facts,we like to present our cardionice blog audience some DEWS,which are the precise medical contents presented neatly.We need our cardionice folks to continue their support for this new initiative as always.

NICE Ventures

Monday 13 August 2012


Ethanol is mainly absorbed by the small intestine and, to a lesser degree, through the stomach. Gastric alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) initiates alcohol metabolism. Three enzyme systems account for metabolism of alcohol in the liver. These include cytosolic ADH, the microsomal-oxidizing system (MEOS), and peroxisomal catalase. The majority of ethanol oxidation occurs via ADH to form acetaldehyde, which is a highly reactive molecule that may have multiple effects. Ultimately, acetaldehyde is metabolized to acetate by aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). Intake of ethanol increases intracellular accumulation of triglycerides by increasing fatty acid uptake and by reducing fatty acid oxidation and lipoprotein secretion. Protein synthesis, glycosylation, and secretion are impaired. Oxidative damage to hepatocyte membranes occurs due to the formation of reactive oxygen species; acetaldehyde is a highly reactive molecule that combines with proteins to form protein-acetaldehyde adducts. These adducts may interfere with specific enzyme activities, including microtubular formation and hepatic protein trafficking. With acetaldehyde-mediated hepatocyte damage, certain reactive oxygen species can result in Kupffer cell activation. As a result, profibrogenic cytokines are produced that initiate and perpetuate stellate cell activation, with the resultant production of excess collagen and extracellular matrix. Connective tissue appears in both periportal and pericentral zones and eventually connects portal triads with central veins forming regenerative nodules. Hepatocyte loss occurs, and with increased collagen production and deposition, together with continuing hepatocyte destruction, the liver contracts and shrinks in size. This process generally takes from years to decades to occur and requires repeated insults

Saturday 4 August 2012

Ideal for tasting Death!!!

When farmers were in search of a cheap, most efficacious and easy to use and freely available  pesticide fumigant,they found Aluminium Phosphide(ALP) in 1940.

Friday 27 July 2012

chlorthalidone for Females ????

Cardionice feels happy to bring out a less know drug but with good efficacy and potency in the treatment of hypertension and edema.

Monday 23 July 2012

Difference between droplet and servlet

Servlet is a java class which extends HttpServlet
Droplet is java class which extends DynamoServlet (customized in atg)
Servlet extends
            HttpServlet extends
                        GenericServlet implements     javax.servlet.Servlet
Droplet extends
            Dynamo Servlet extends
                        HttpServletService extends
                                    ServletService implements javax.servlet.Servlet

Servlet can be invoked from a jsp giving the servlet path and name
<jsp:forward page="/MyServlet"/> or
<form method="POST" action="/ProfileSyncService">

Droplet can be embedded in jsp as
<dsp:droplet name="sampleDroplet">

to fetch the information

Not applicable.
One or more droplets can be present in a jsp. Nested droplets are also applicable.
Servlet is used to submit data, it acts as a controller. It is not used to put data.
Droplet is used to render or put data in the db

Friday 20 July 2012


This is the specimen taken from a young girl's back shoulder. This was felt as a soft swelling not transluminant. It's finally a lipoma

Wednesday 18 July 2012

ATG Servlet Pipeline Lifecycle

Every ATG request goes through a servlet pipeline and the lifecycle diagram is as follows.

Follows the logs of a sample request which goes through a servlet pipline